Spain is indisputably the country in which vineyards occupy the greatest land area (1,1 million ha / 2.9 million acres: 14,8% of the world’s total) and is the second largest exporter of wine worldwide, exporting 14,4 million hectolitres of the 35 million it produces. Spain is the third largest producer of wine worldwide.
The value of Spanish wine exports is calculated to be 1.833 million Euros, 74% of which are wines under Denominations of Origin (DO). United Kingdom is the principal market for our wine exports, importing 17% of the total, followed by Germany, the United States, France, Switzerland, Italy and The Netherlands.
Spain has 69 Wine Denominations of Origin, which cover a surface area of 641,784 hectares, and group a total of 165,943 wine growers and 6,355 wineries.
You can enjoy a nice wines degustation with us.